Here’s a quick blog post about a Sass mixin I wrote for a side-project.

The following is a Sass mixin I recently wrote to tackle an issue for a project on GitHub where they wanted to have their header background fade between a number of colors.

I set it up so a list of colors could be passed in and it wouldn’t matter how many colors you wanted; the interval would always be evenly divided amongst them.


// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //
//                                                                //
// mixin: colorFader                                              //
// params: $animationName, $colorList                             //
//   $animationName: The name you want to give your animation     //
//   $colorList: The list of colors you want to cycle through     //
//                                                                //
// Divides 100% by the color count to get the $interval and       //
//   increments the $frame by ($frame + $interval)                //
//                                                                //
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //

@mixin colorFader($animationName, $colorList) {
    $colorCount: length($colorList);
    $interval: 100 / $colorCount;

    //  Keeping this block here until @ interpolation is added
    //    Open issue:
    //  Then, either pass the prefixes in, or use the below
    //    $prefixes list
    //  Until then, each vendor block will have to be written separately
    //$at: @;
    //$prefixes: "", "-webkit-", "-moz-";
    //@each $prefix in $prefixes {
    //    #{$at}#{$prefix}keyframes #{$animationName} {
    //        $frame: 0;
    //        @each $color in $colorList {
    //            #{$frame}% {background: $color;}
    //            $frame: $frame + $interval;
    //        }
    //    }

    @keyframes #{$animationName} {
        $frame: 0;
        @each $color in $colorList {
            #{$frame}% {background: $color;}
            $frame: $frame + $interval;

    /* Safari */
    @-webkit-keyframes #{$animationName} {
        $frame: 0;
        @each $color in $colorList {
            #{$frame}% {background: $color;}
            $frame: $frame + $interval;

    /* Firefox */
    @-moz-keyframes #{$animationName} {
        $frame: 0;
        @each $color in $colorList {
            #{$frame}% {background: $color;}
            $frame: $frame + $interval;

Of Course… the above vendor prefix blocks are unnecessary if you’re using an auto-prefixer such as the one in css-next.



// Import the fader mixin
@import "colorFader";

// Apply to an ID (or class)
#colorFaderDIV {
    background: red;
    -webkit-animation: colorfader linear infinite;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 90s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -moz-animation: colorfader linear infinite;
    -moz-animation-duration: 90s;
    -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -o-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    color: #fff;

// Set the list of colors to cycle through
$colorList: #76c261 #fdc345 #f8943 #e65453 #a759a8 #32afe2;

// Call the fader, passing in the animation name and colors
@include colorFader(colorfader, $colorList);}


#colorFaderDIV {
    background: red;
    -webkit-animation: colorfader linear infinite;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 90s;
    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -moz-animation: colorfader linear infinite;
    -moz-animation-duration: 90s;
    -moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    -o-animation-iteration-count: infinite;
    color: #fff;

@keyframes colorfader {
    0% {background: #76c261;}
    16.66667% {background: #fdc345;}
    33.33333% {background: #f8943;}
    50% {background: #e65453;}
    66.66667% {background: #a759a8;}
    83.33333% {background: #32afe2;}

/* Safari */
@-webkit-keyframes colorfader {
    0% {background: #76c261;}
    16.66667% {background: #fdc345;}
    33.33333% {background: #f8943;}
    50% {background: #e65453;}
    66.66667% {background: #a759a8;}
    83.33333% {background: #32afe2;}

/* Firefox */
@-moz-keyframes colorfader {
    0% {background: #76c261;}
    16.66667% {background: #fdc345;}
    33.33333% {background: #f8943;}
    50% {background: #e65453;}
    66.66667% {background: #a759a8;}
    83.33333% {background: #32afe2;}


<div id="colorFaderDIV">Example</div>

The above code renders the following:


You can grab the code from this Gist, as well.